Differences between Query Builder and CQL

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Differences between Query Builder and CQL

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The Query Builder Window and CQL are two alternative methods for selecting items based on criteria.

Which is the appropriate tool to use depends on what you want to do and your personal preference.


The main differences are


Query Builder Window

CQL (Cimera Query Language)


Uses reverse polish notation (which may be unfamiliar initially)

Is of the same genre as SQL

How are Queries built

Queries are build by selecting criteria with a mouse

Queries are build by typing (and selecting from the dictionary)

Prompting and help

User friendly menus shows which fields are available to use for each Item Type

The Dictionary shows which fields are available to use for each Item Type

Syntax errors

Because the query is build for you it is not possible to get syntax errors.

Because you manually enter the CQL it is easy to get syntax errors until you are familiar with the language

Querying on relationships

Not possible

It is possible to select items based on their relationships to other items



Both query types can be saved for future reuse.


See Also

Query Builder Window

CQL Query