How do I Export Items

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How do I Export Items

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Export a list of items


Every window that uses the Item List will have an Export button on the Actions Menu


Item List - Actions - Export


This saves the list in a temporary .xls (Excel 97-2003) file or .csv file and opens it.




Export the Database


Cimera Server Utilities (a separate application to the standard Cimera Client) enables the export of either the entire database or just the metadata.


Right-click the database and select Export Metadata or Export All Data


The data is exported in xml format

This can be imported into an Initialised Cimera Database



Server Utilities - Manage DBs menu


See Also

Cimera Administration Guide



Export Metadata Into Individual Files (for selective Import)


To export the metadata into individual xml files that can be selectively imported


Menu > Admin > Metadata Export