Simple Query Window

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Simple Query Window

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The Simple Query Window uses a single condition to find items of a single Item Type.


It is launched by right-clicking an Item Type in the Item Explorer Window's Item Types Navigation Pane and selecting Simple Query in New Window


Query - Simple - Launching


Note: Your administrator may have disabled listing of certain Item Types as there may be lots of them and retrieving a few thousand items from the server is time consuming, requires server effort and is unlikely to be useful (what would a user do with a list of several thousand items?). In this instance when selecting an Item Type (left-click) in Item Explorer it will instead replace the normal list with a pane containing a Simple Query.


The Simply Query only searches for items of the Item Type specified by the context of where it was called from, in the example above, a Technical Change.



Example of a Simple Query


Query - Simple - ER






The criteria has 3 parts.

1.The Attribute to search against, operator: equals, contains, starts with, ends with, >, <, <>, >=, <=, in list, is null, is not null
3.the value to compare against.


The Attribute Type of the attribute chosen will determine which operators are appropriate and the format of the values.


For example.

If the Attribute is a Status then the value will be a list of possible Statuses for an item of that Item Type and inappropriate operators will be removed.

If the Attribute is a date then a date picker will be given

If the Operator is is null then no value is required.





Searches the Cimera Database for all Items of the specified Item Type that match the criteria specified





The Advanced button launches the Query Builder Window which allows multiple, complex criteria to be specified and saved.



Search Results


A list of all items meeting the selected criteria, populated when the Find button is pressed.

The filter then affects what is displayed, it does not affect what is returned from the database and changing the filter does not re-query the database.

See Item List Filter



See Also

Query Builder Window

Item List Filter