Users, Groups and Roles

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Users, Groups and Roles

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Every person who needs to use Cimera, have Cimera Items assigned to them (see Workflow) or have Cimera Items owned by them needs to have a Cimera Userid created for them by a Cimera Administrator.


If the Cimera server has been configured to use Windows Authentication (See Cimera Installation Guide) then a userid will need to be created in Cimera, but their password will be managed through Active Directory.

When the user logs onto Cimera their current windows credentials will be used and neither userid nor password will be requested.


If the user has attempted to log in from a computer that is not in the same domain as the server then the user will be prompted for credentials that are valid in the domain that the server is running in.



If the Cimera server has been configured to NOT use Windows Authentication then both userid and password will be managed within Cimera and both will need to be supplied when logging in.


See Users





A Group is a collection of Users. It allows security rules to be set for related Users and Items to be owner by, say, a team or department as opposed to by an individual. Items that have workflow can be assigned to groups as well as to users.


See Groups





When a User is put in a group they are given a role (or roles) on that group thus allowing fine grained security. Security rules protecting Item Types, Buckets or Attributes can now be defined for either a specific user (not recommended), a group, or members of a group that have a specific role.


For example

Peter, Allan and their manager, Sarah, are all members of the Development team

Peter and Allan could be assigned a 'dev' role on the Development group, whereas Sarah could be assigned a 'Team Lead' role on the group. Security could then be set up so that Sarah has additional security privileges, like signing off Product Builds. Sarah would usually also have a 'dev' role on the group, but this is optional and depends on her job function.