How do I Display an Item

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How do I Display an Item

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Displaying an item allows a user to look at all the Attributes of the item but without being able to change any of them.


The same window (Item Details Window) is used to Display, Create & Update an item.


To display an item right-click the item (from any of the many places it can be listed in, e.g. the Item Explorer Window) and select Display from the popup-menu


If you know the name, the UID or the item's internal ID (starting with CI:, CIV: or CIS:) then you can directly open the item from the Cimera main window using File > Open Item... or by pressing the Ctrl+O keyboard shortcut.


When displaying an item on the Item Details Window, there is an "Update" button to reopen the item in update mode.


See Also

Item Details Window

Find an Item