How do I Give a Reason for an Activity

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How do I Give a Reason for an Activity

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Cimera tracks what is done by keeping an Audit of all changes - who did what to what, when, where and what was affected (see History of an Item)


But the Audit does not tell you why, and that's where the Reason comes in.


When you perform an Activity on an Item, for example,

       Creating It

       Updating it

       Deleting it

       Promoting it

       Relating it to another Item

       Removing the Relationship with another Item


Then Cimera gives you the ability to record the Reason why that Activity was performed.


The Add Reason button


Add Reason


is on the Item Details Window, Promote Window, Display Window


and displays the Supply Reason Window


Supply Reason


into which a reason can be entered.



Using an Item as the Reason


In addition to a text Reason the Cimera Administrator can further define rules along the lines of...


In order to perform Action on items of Item Type at status then the Reason must be an Item of Item Type at Status.



Example usage

An "Authorise Action Request" can be created.


For an item of type Software Product can be promoted to Ready for Production Release then there must be a Reason Item.

This Reason Item is to be an Item of Item type Product Release Request which has a status of Authorised.


By setting up security so that only specific people can promote a Product Release Request to status Authorised then

No software product can have a status changed to Ready for Production Release without authorisation

The authorisation process can be controlled & tracked.

We know who authorised the work - which is different to who actually promoted the software product, as frequently an authorisation process can be long and complex involving numerous managers, whereas actually doing the work being authorised (here moving a Software product into Production) is quick and easy and is done by technical staff.



See Also

Administration Guide