Version Pedigree

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Version Pedigree

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The Version Pedigree shows the history relationships between versions of an item.


It can be accessed by selecting Version Pedigree from the right-click menu of a version anywhere that a version is displayed.


Selecting Version Pedigree



The Version Pedigree determines how the versions relate to each other, based on the built-in version history relationships, and draws it pictorially, as below, with earlier versions towards the left and newer versions towards the right:


Version Pedigree


In this instance we can see that the Product Build had parallel versions after 2.0 Build 2 and that these were merged into 3.0 Build 2.


The originally selected item is highlighted with a red border. Items in their final state are shaded gray.


Right-clicking a version gives a subset of the standard right-click menu.


Multiple versions may be selected by holding down the control key whilst clicking.