Grid Window

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Grid Window

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The Actions drop down button on the Item List gives the option of displaying the items listed on a grid


Item List - Actions - Grid




The Grid Window lists items, in the same way that the standard Item List does, but provides more functionality for filtering, grouping sorting, arranging.

Clicking an item will open the Item Details window for that item.



Grid Window





1 Column Grouping


By dragging a column header onto the header bar the items will be grouped by that value.

Dragging multiple columns will give sub groups etc



2 Column Actions


The icons on the column header provide standard Excel Filter style sorting, filtering and pinning.

Click-and-holding the column header allows column re-ordering.



3 Actions


Allow you do :

Print the Grid

Show or Hide columns

Export the list to Excel with the current grouping / filtering / layout

Export the list back to a standard Item List

Expand all the groups