<< Click to Display Table of Contents >> CQL Syntax |
The syntax of a CQL query is:
FIND item-type [VERSION] [ WHERE [NOT] condition [logical-operator [NOT] condition...] ]
• | Square brackets [ ] indicate an optional clause |
• | '...' indicates a repeating (0 or more occurences) clause |
• | The Version keyword is used when the Item Type being queried is Versionable and you want to find specific versions, and not the Stem |
• | logical-operator is AND or OR |
• | Conditions can be surrounded by parentheses to give the correct precedence, e.g. A AND (B OR C) |
• | Use single quotes to delimit string values, e.g. 'In Use' |
• | Use square brackets to specify Item Types, Field or Link names that contain spaces, e.g. [Environment Component], [Technical Change] |
• | Comments can be included within queries between /* and */ |
Note: queries are case insensitive, keywords are represented here in UPPERCASE merely for clarity
Condition syntax
For Fields:
fieldname-or-id operator [value-or-valuelist]
Note: The fieldname can be
• | the field's form label - the label as it appears on the Item Details (e.g. Name, [Item Reference Number]). |
• | its unique fieldname (e.g. CIName) |
• | its unique ID (e.g. FLD:A$CINAME) |
If there are duplicate labels then you must use the unique fieldname or Unique Id
Operators that take no values:
e.g. [defect priority] ISNULL
Operators that take a single value:
= , <> , > , >= , < , <= , LIKE
e.g CINAME LIKE 'ab%'
Operators that take multiple values:
e.g. CISTATUS in ('in use', 'out of service')
For LIKE use % to represent multiple wild characters and _ as a single wild character, e.g. LIKE 'A%' or LIKE 'A_S'
Specify multiple values in parentheses, e.g. ('value1','value2','value3')
LIKE has special usage for combined group/user fields:
Use LIKE 'group-name/%' to specify all users within group-name
Use LIKE '%/user-name' to specify a particular user regardless of group
You cannot use the LIKE operator against part of a user's name. e.g. LIKE 'fred%' is not permitted
For Links:
See CQL Syntax Links
If the field is a boolean then the query value is true or false irrespective of the text set up for the field
For example
Find Problems that do not have a workaround or where a workaround decision has not been made
FIND Problem WHERE NOT [Workaround Available?] = 'true'
FIND Problem WHERE [Workaround Available?] = 'false'
FIND Problem WHERE [Workaround Available?] ISNULL
Dates and Times
Standard date formats are accepted, for example: '3/8/2012', 3-8-2012, '3/8/2012 22:00', '3/8/2012 10:00PM'
When comparing date and time fields remember that a time is involved and that an equality may not do what you intend
FIND [Technical Change] WHERE ciupdated = '26/5/2014'
will not find all the Technical Changes last updated on that date. A date and time comparison is being performed, with a default time of 00:00:00 taken. So only items created at exactly that time are selected.
Use either one or two inequalities to find the required items
FIND [Technical Change] WHERE [Last Updated] >= '26/5/2014' and optionally add AND [Last Updated] < '27/5/2014'
There are two special date values: NOW and TODAY
NOW represents the current date and time and
TODAY represents midnight today
Days can be added or subtracted, for example: NOW+1 or TODAY-7
For NOW a suffix of D, H or M can be added to indicate Days (default), Hours or Minutes, e.g. NOW+30M or NOW-12H
Find all servers
FIND server
Find servers added in the last week with a name beginning SVR:
FIND server WHERE name like 'svr%' AND created > today-7
Find servers that are in use containing application builds that aren't in a released state:
FIND server WHERE cistatus='In Use' AND hosts(FIND application VERSION where cistatus <> 'released')
Find servers that are in use but don't contain an application build:
FIND server WHERE status='In Use' AND NOT hosts(FIND application VERSION)
Find servers containing application builds developed for a particular change request:
FIND server
WHERE hosts
(FIND application VERSION
WHERE [built for]
(FIND [change request]
WHERE ciname='CR-73'))
Note that F5 executes the query as well as the 'Run Query' button. And if a portion of text is selected then only this text will be executed.
This can be used to execute sub-queries in isolation whilst building more complex queries