Item List Actions

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Item List Actions

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The Actions drop down button next to the Filter on the Item List presents various actions that can be performed on the selected iems


Item List - Actions






If you have multiple items selected in the list then the selected action will be limited to that selection, otherwise it will apply to the entire list.



Display all (or selected) items in a grid


Opens a new Grid Window to display the list



Display all (or selected) items on a chart


Opens a new Chart Window to display the list



Export all (or selected) items to Excel


Saves the list in a temporary .xls (Excel 97-2003) file and opens the file.



Print all (or selected) items


Displays a window allowing columns to be selected, print settings to be modified and then finally displays a print preview before printing. Note that this prints the list and not the selected items themselves.


Grid Print With Preview



Export all (or selected) items to a comma separated file


Saves the list in a temporary .csv file and opens the file (usually defaults to Excel if installed)