Cimera Solutions

Cimera's unique design allows it to be configured to meet any number of differing information and process management requirements.

Any specific Cimera solution will comprise configuration, published reports, plug-Ins and scripts.

Configuration and reports will provide most of the solution. Plug-ins and scripts will only be required where Cimera does not natively support specialised User Interface or out-of-area integration requirements.

Jump-Start Packages

There is no one-size-fits-all. We believe that one-size-rarely-fits-any! This philosophy encapsulates Cimera's design goals.

The Cimera starting point takes the form of Jump-Start packages: these put in place a framework of configuration, reports, plug-ins and scripts to meet a general requirement.

Once the Jump-Start is installed it may then be modified or augmented to meet the customer's desired information management and associated processes. 

As the customer's requirements change the Cimera solution may be adapted to continue to meet them.

Current Packages

Cimera’s Environment & Release Manager enables complete management of non-Production environments and control of releases from planning through to delivery.