Difference between Relationship Explorer & Item Details when displaying relationships

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Difference between Relationship Explorer & Item Details when displaying relationships

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The Item Details Window

will only display the relationships that the administrator has decided should be displayed on the form
will always display the Related Items box even if there are currently no relationships that have been created
allows relationships to be updated or deleted (if in create / update mode)


The Relationship Explorer Window

will show all relationships the items have
will only display the relationships if there are related items. If there are no related items then you will not see the types of relationships that the item could have
is read-only


Finally, the label that appears alongside the related items in the Item Details window will normally be different to the relationship text displayed in Relationship Explorer. This is deliberate but might be confusing to start with.

For example: A Project can implement one of more Business Changes


When displaying the Item we see:


Item Display Link example


But when exploring the Item we see:


Relationship Explorer example