Item List Right-Click Menu

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Item List Right-Click Menu

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Performing an action on an item - right-click menu

To perform an action on an item in the Item List right-click it and a menu will pop up.


Item Right Click



See Display an Item

Note: This is the default action that will be executed when double clicking the item.



See Explore an Item



See Update an Item



See Delete an Item



See Promote an Item



See History of an Item



Print the selected item(s) using the standard HTML template (may be site-configured by your administrator)



Format the items as for printing but instead the output will be opened in a browser window



Open a new window listing just the selected item(s)


List related Items

Display all of the items that are directly related to the selected item(s) as a list


Create Related Item

Create an item that is to be related to the selected item. When selecting the menu item a sub-menu will appear showing all the valid item types that can be created and linked to the selected item. Note that this menu option only appears if a single item has been selected.


Create Copy

Same as Create New [Item Type] below but will pre-populate the new item with the selected item's data which may then me modified before actual creation.


Create New [Item Type]

See Creating a new Item


Copy to Clipboard

Copies the selected item(s) to the Cimera Clipboard. It also copies the Object Spec(s) of the selected item(s) to the standard Windows text clipboard.


PlugIns and Queries that apply

The final section of the right-click menu is populated with any queries or plugins that apply to this Item Type. In this example there is an applicable item "Data Editor".




Performing an action on an item version - right-click menu

To perform an action on an item version right-click it and a context menu will appear.


Version Right Click


This has some additional menu options to when right-clicking an item:


Version Pedigree

See Version Pedigree


Display Stem

Display the item that this is a version of


Create new Version

Creates a new version, relating it (as a successor) to the selected version and displaying it for editing before creation


PlugIns and Queries that apply

Again any plugins and queries are shown. In this case there is an additional query for this type of item that offers to Find deployments in last month and a plugin for the Data Editor.